Your Homestay

You will be staying in a homestay with a Canadian family. In Canada, families are all very different.

Each student’s homestay will be very different. Some families have children, some don’t. In many Canadian homes, all the adults have jobs, and people are very busy.

The host family wants to make you feel comfortable. Don’t be shy about asking questions if you don’t understand, and expressing that you like or don’t like something. If you are concerned about something in your homestay, you can also ask your teacher or one of your monitors for advice or an explanation.

However, the homestays are not arranged by McGill University. Most students on this program use Minverva Homestay. For serious problems, you should contact Minerva Homestay:

Minerva Homestay
Telephone: 514-952-3236

If you need help to contact your homestay company about the problem, please ask your teacher or your monitor, or the program coordinator.